miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

summary chapter 11 of educaction by EGW

1-By nature God wants to speak to us.
2-God left all nature to show His Power and love.
3- In the parabolas, God used nature to illustrate parabolas.
4-God used illustrations of the things of Life to speak clearly.
5- We should teach children to see God through nature.
6-We must teach our classes showing God in everything we do.
7- We must serve others.
8-Parents and teachers should teach children to cultivate service.
9-We must teach lessons of Generosity.
10. The learned lessons prepare the worker to deal more successfully with other minds.


1-Refine: It can be that which stands out for its fineness or delicacy.
2-To vivify: To give life to an inert thing
3-Constancy: Attitude that maintains the firmness of mind in the achievement of a thing
4-Exercise: Perform the activities of a profession
5-Obedience: Disposition to fulfill the mandates of a superior
6-Cultivate: Give [to the earth and plants] the work necessary to bring forth fruit.
7-regret : Feeling of regret by past action or omission
8-likeness: Circumstance of resembling one person or thing to another
9-Spread: Separate or extend in different directions the things that were together
10-Corruption: Do not be loyal.


1- We must refine each of our activities.
2- We need to vivify our lives.
3- Perseverance will lead us to success.
4- Exercising good debt will lead to good fruit.
5-God asks us obedience for love.
6-We must cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit
7-God paid our debts.
8-Each day our character should resemble Jesus.
9- We must expel the Message of Jesus

10- Corruption should not be in the life of the Christian.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

Summary of chapter 26- Educaction by EGW

Sentences to summarize the Reading:
1-      We should teach students to reason.
2-      We should not only teach them to follow tradition, but to think what is best.
3-      To distinguish between what is good and bad can only be achieved depending on God.
4-      We can learn to reason when we depend on God.
5-      We should speak directly to the hearts.
6-      In education we should have a personal interest for the individuals.
7-      We should teach the youth to try to develop all their mental faculties.
8-      The teacher should constantly have as a goal simplicity and efficiency.
9-      Children need appreciation, sympathy and stimulation but love for self-praise should not be developed. 

Word and meanings

1.       Acuity- “sharpness; acuteness; keenness”
2.       Sympathy- “the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble.”
3.       Conceit- “an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance, wit, etc.”
4.       Virtues- “an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance, wit, etc.”
5.       Strengthening-“to make stronger; give strength to.”
6.       Victories-“a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war.”
7.       Defeats-“to overcome in a contest, election, battle, etc.; prevail over; vanquish”
8.       Reform-“the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory”
9.       Interdependence-“the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other”
10.   Foment-“to instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc.); promote the growth or development of”


1-We must be keen to observe and make good decisions.
2- Let us show sympathy with each other.
3- In our hearts should not go conceited.
4- The virtues of the Christian must show Christ in what we do
5- God can command his angels to give us strength.
6- In Christ Jesus we can have victories with our students.
7-The plans of God is that we are never defeated.
8- We must make reforms in our lives.
9- It is a duty to teach our students to be independent.

11- To promote good habits to our students.

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Summary Of Chapter 25 of The book Educaction By EGW

10 sentences to summarize the reading:

1-We must teach our students to reason.
2- The student should not follow traditions or customs, he must reason.
3- The mind that depends on others will one day cease to exist.
4-Every person must learn of God for himself, through the Bible.
5-God gave us the reason so we use it.
6-We should not be carried away by appearance.
7-The educator should try to develop in all his students all the faculties.
8- Before the class, the teacher must have a defined plan.
9- The best school for teaching, is the home.
10-We must teach our students to always speak with the truth.

1.      Misrepresentations: Misrepresenting words or events
2.      Unprepared: That the preparation is not foreseen
3.      Passionate: Who feels passion or great enthusiasm for a person or thing
4.      Precipitate: That is done with haste and without reflection
5.      Peace: situation or state in which there is no war nor fights between two or more opposing parties
6.      Confidence: firm hope that a person has something happen
7.      Diligence: is the cardinal virtue that fights laziness
8.      Instructed: provide knowledge, skills, ideas or experiences to a person to give a certain training.
9.      Influence Power of a person or thing to determine or alter someone's way of thinking or acting.
10.  Circumstances: a circumstance is a specific situation that has certain qualities and specific characteristics

1.      The enemy wants us to have misrepresentations in reading the Bible.
2.      We must prepare our students for when Christ, so that they will not be unprepared.
3.      We must be passionate about everything we do to honor God.
4.      We should not do things precipitously.
5.      Only in Jesus we find the peace that the world cannot give.
6.      Our trust must be deposited in our God.
7.      We must be diligent with our students.
8.      Every morning we should seek instruction from God before leaving our house.
9.      Our influence towards others should be positive.
10.  Among all the circumstances of life, we should trust in God.

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Chapter 24- Education be EGW

Summary in 10 sentences: 

1- Teach children to work with their hands, it will be a blessing.
2- Work should be a source of happiness and development.
3- Work is a safeguard for temptation.
4- Nature also fulfills tasks of assigned work.
5- As we work we are collaborators with God.
God gave us the land to care for and administer it.
7- The most beneficial exercise for the youths is work.
8- We must promote an excercise that promotes physical and spiritual growth.
9- It is important to teach young people that life involves serious work, responsibility and concern.
10- We need to teach them that honored work does not degrade anybody.

10 word with their  meaning: 

1-Honored: A person tha t acts correctly, fulfilling his duty and in accordance with the moral.
2-Idleness: Waste of time on things that are not important.
3-Selfish. Immoderate and excessive love of self; Character of which subordinates the interest alien to his own and judges all things from this point of view.
4-Fidelity: an attitude of someone who is faithful, constant and committed to the feelings, ideas or obligations that assumes.
5-Worker. Person who has by occupation to do a manual work or that requires physical effort
6-Vocation Inspiration with which God calls to some state,
7-Ignorance State of ignorance of a thing or has little culture
8-Dignity. Quality of being valued as a person
9-Fixation. Action and result of setting.

10- Purpose: A purpose is the intention or mood by which an action is performed or stopped

10 sentences 

1- As Christians it is our duty to be honoured.
2 - Being idle is what Satan wants us to do so we lose sight of what God wants.
3- We must be wholeheartedly not selfish.
4. God is faithful to each of his children.
5- To be a worker is to have a decent job.
6- Our vocation should be to seek God as first place in our lives.
7- As Christians we should not be ignorant, the purpose of God is that we know a little bit of everything.
8- As children of God we should have dignity and only do what pleases God.
9- We must fix goal and achieve them
10- Our main purpose should be to bring our children to know God.

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Summary of chapter 22 of the Book Education by EGW

10 sentences to summarize the reading:
1.       Every student needs to understand the relationship that exist between a simple life and elevated thoughts.
2.       Intemperance is an enemy we should all be careful of.
3.       Schools should be accustomed to give topics and subjects about intemperance.
4.       Youths and children should know that alcohol, Tabaco and other substances destroy the body.
5.       Idleness, the lack of ideas, the wrong company can be causes of intemperance.
6.       Tea, coffee, sweets and cakes, are active causes of indigestion.
7.       The consumption of meat irritates the nerves and stimulates the low passions.
8.       It is better to eat only twice a day.
9.       We should explain to the youths the effect that withdrawing from doing good has.
10.   We should teach students the value of having a simple nutritional regimen.
 New Words, their meaning and sentences
1.       Mold- “Accommodate something that is out of place.”
-Our Character must be molded by God this is the only thing we will take to heaven.

2.       Intemperance- “2-Intemperance: Lack of temperance or moderation.
-Intemperance is a dangerous custom for every human being.

3.       Poison: “Chemical or organic substance that, introduced into the body, causes death or serious disorder.”
-Many foods are dangerous poisons for our organism

4.       Idleness: “that he does not work, that he has no occupations or obligations. Not productive, without fruit or profit.”
-Idleness can bring destruction to the human being

5.       Stimulating: “Increase alertness, attention and energy, as well as blood pressure, heart rate and respiration”
-Our best stimulant should be the study of the Bible for a better communion with God

6.       Nutritional regimen: “Is the diet that is given on a daily basis”
-We should have a good nutritional regimen so that we could be healthy

7.       Own domain: “It is the capacity that allows us to control ourselves, our emotions and not that they control us.”
-we should allow the Holy Spirit to mold our own domain so that we can control our emotions

8.       Health Laws: “System that God allowed us to have a complete state of good health.”
-God has given us the health laws as protection for our body which is temple of the Holy Spirit
9.       Sweetness of character: “Positive qualities is the sweetness, that is, the kind, pleasant, kind and affectionate character of a person.”
-Jesus had a sweetness of character that attracted every person to him including children.

10.   Wisdom: “A knowledge set that has a person acquired through study or experience listens well to what he says because he is a man of great wisdom.”

-We should ask God for wisdom and knowledge to make right decisions.  

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Summary Chapter 13 of the book Education by Ellen G. White

10 sentences to summarize the reading:

1.       The strength for the mind is in the Word of God
2.       The fervors study of the Bible gives us power to succeed
3.       All bible principle has its time
4.       Only the Word of God can give life
5.       Not studying the word of God makes the Mind shrink
6.       The Bible is a safeguard for this generation
7.       The Bible is more efficient than any other book
8.       The power of the Bible in developing our spiritual nature is greater
9.       The docile and sincere spirit is put in contact with the creator and learning has no limit
10.   Wisdom is of great advantage, because it gives its beholder life.

 New Words, their meaning and sentences

1.       Gospel- “the teachings of Jesus and the apostles; the Christian revelation.”
-The Gospel has transformed many lives

2.       Author-“ the composer of a literary work”
-The author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit

3.       Intellectual-“ possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity, especially to a high degree”
-My teacher is a very intellectual person when it comes to physics.

4.        Safeguard: “something that serves as a protection or defense or that ensures safety.”
-the commandments do not save, but the safeguard us from being hurt.

5.       Stimulus: “something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought”
-My stimulus reacts to smelling a sweet aroma, it makes me think of food.

6.       Efficiency: “able to accomplish something with the least waste of time and effort”
-I have a low efficiency when it comes to writing in a language I don’t understand

7.       Docile: “easily managed or handled”
-Our lives should be docile, so we can serve God better

8.       Heart: “the center of the total personality, especially with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion”
-Our heart should be willing to allow Jesus to live and transform it

9.       Heavenly: “of, belonging to, or coming from the heaven of God, the angels.”
-we have a heavenly father that is willing to provide for all our needs

10.   Advantageous: “providing an advantage; furnishing convenience or opportunity; favorable; profitable; useful; beneficial
- Nor is it advantageous to live pleasing the desires and not God  

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Summary #1 "Chapter 10"- Education EGW

Sentences to summarize:
1.       Children should be allowed to interact with nature.
2.       In all created things we can see the seal of God.
3.       God sustains nature and human beings.
4.       God speaks to us through nature.
5.       It is very important to teach children to love all the things God has created.
6.       True education is reconciliation with God.
7.       The enemy has destroyed the perfection of God.
8.       It is a blessing to learn to obtain victory over evil.
9.       Every detail of nature speaks of God’s goodness.
10.   God knows the plans He has for us, plans for good and not for evil, says the Lord.

Definitions and sentence:
1.       Innumerable: many things, unable to be counted
-          Innumerable created things announce the glory of God.
2.       Upholds: to support or raise up, sustain
-          God upholds the earth with His power
3.       Riches: Having a lot of wealth or possessions
-          God will give us many riches in heaven.
4.       Antagonistic: acting in opposition, unfriendly
-          The great controversy is God’s saving activity verses Satan’s antagonistic behavior.  
5.       Unfolding: To reveal or display something
-          Prophecy has been unfolding in front of our eyes
6.       Early: during the first part of the morning
-          We should pray early in the morning.
7.       Master: A person with power, and owner
-          The master of my life is Christ and only Him.
8.       Unfailing: not failing or disappointing
-          God’s love towards us is unfailing.
9.       Harmony: In agreement or in order
-          It is good for the brothers to live in harmony.
10.   Immensity: enormous to a great extent

-          In his immensity God decided to die for us.