jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Summary Of Chapter 25 of The book Educaction By EGW

10 sentences to summarize the reading:

1-We must teach our students to reason.
2- The student should not follow traditions or customs, he must reason.
3- The mind that depends on others will one day cease to exist.
4-Every person must learn of God for himself, through the Bible.
5-God gave us the reason so we use it.
6-We should not be carried away by appearance.
7-The educator should try to develop in all his students all the faculties.
8- Before the class, the teacher must have a defined plan.
9- The best school for teaching, is the home.
10-We must teach our students to always speak with the truth.

1.      Misrepresentations: Misrepresenting words or events
2.      Unprepared: That the preparation is not foreseen
3.      Passionate: Who feels passion or great enthusiasm for a person or thing
4.      Precipitate: That is done with haste and without reflection
5.      Peace: situation or state in which there is no war nor fights between two or more opposing parties
6.      Confidence: firm hope that a person has something happen
7.      Diligence: is the cardinal virtue that fights laziness
8.      Instructed: provide knowledge, skills, ideas or experiences to a person to give a certain training.
9.      Influence Power of a person or thing to determine or alter someone's way of thinking or acting.
10.  Circumstances: a circumstance is a specific situation that has certain qualities and specific characteristics

1.      The enemy wants us to have misrepresentations in reading the Bible.
2.      We must prepare our students for when Christ, so that they will not be unprepared.
3.      We must be passionate about everything we do to honor God.
4.      We should not do things precipitously.
5.      Only in Jesus we find the peace that the world cannot give.
6.      Our trust must be deposited in our God.
7.      We must be diligent with our students.
8.      Every morning we should seek instruction from God before leaving our house.
9.      Our influence towards others should be positive.
10.  Among all the circumstances of life, we should trust in God.

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